Musings and Poetry

My collection of poems, stories, and fitful spurts of creative energy.

February 13, 2005

Sunday Afternoon

And then one Sunday Afternoon,
It all changes.
subtly. Only you really know.
It's cold and clear.
A perfect backdrop for this event.

The change isn't something that
Propels you forward,
In fact, it takes you backwards.
To youth, childhood, innocence.
Things you thought you'd

Was it a decision? A realization?
Or something else.
Revelation. Inspiration.
Do I even believe in fate?


Maybe, maybe not.

All I know is that I'm different.
Clean. Absolved. Ready.
Possibility before me.
I've wandered through the
Darkness. I can't tell if
I'm coming out unscathed yet.
In fact, there are some scars
From deep wounds.

With realization comes a call
To action.
What happens now?
How do I break out of the circle
Of familiarity and destruction?

I'll start, with a haircut.


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