Musings and Poetry

My collection of poems, stories, and fitful spurts of creative energy.

April 25, 2004

Amtrak is Overrun!

Lower middle upper lower white trash have taken over the first 16 seats of my Amtrak train car.

Younger middle aged grand parents with 3 couples: Oldest, Middle, Youngest with accompanying spouses. All couples trailing two or three children. Even the early late teen girl with her street-beard wearing boyfriend slash fiance slash kid who knocked her up have a little one.

Momma #1, tripping over her double negatives to barely legal teen dad over the head of sugar juiced child #1: "Don't be fuckin' with dat 'tude af'er you done ask me to marry you."

Momma #2 to Daddy #3 after Whiny Spoiled Brat #2 complains about losing her seat to Sleeping Teen Dad #1: "Don't say it's okay to sit back dere, she [Whiny Spoiled Brat #2] lost her fuckin' seat.

Momma #3 chiming in after previous statement: "Don't be fuckin' talkin' shit like dat to my husband [Daddy #3]"

The script that followed could have been transcribed from two ghetto teenage girls squabbling in a school yard.

My cheeks flash red with blood on their behalf, as none seem phased by such a display.

And some think I'm a threat to the sanctity of marriage and family!

April 24, 2004

A Philadelphia Story

Philadelphia in the spring is like a walk through the west village.
Historical buildings, pretty tree lined streets, quaint businesses.

I wonder if I should move back?
Be a big fish in a small pond.

Who knows. There's good and bad, just like all places.

April 18, 2004


Trains here, trains there.
Sneaking glances at other passengers.
Looking, while not looking.
A face, crotch, Greek coffee cup, umbrella, Prada.
Yelling people, conflicts upsetting the uneasy truce to which
Everyone silently agrees when riding.
Emotions on faces. Some with masks that hide what's inside.
A connection.
A wink or raised eyebrow.
Sometimes that is enough.
Knowing you were noticed.
Touching briefly the Possibility.

Yesterday the eyes led to something more.
Today, briefcases, ad for the beach, trendy watch, unkempt beard, nice ass.
Train stop.

April 09, 2004

Where have I been?

Up, down, in a haze of sugar glaze, movies, TV, work slurring by, phone calls and emails, Emails, EMAILS! Going home alone. Making plans alone. Getting coffee alone. Fights with siblings. Those who don't understand wanting to run. To sprint and hide, skitter away, slip into the night, disappear into dark nooks and crannies in funked basements lit by flickers of love.