Musings and Poetry

My collection of poems, stories, and fitful spurts of creative energy.

November 03, 2004

My Letter of Resignation

Dear America,

Thank you for the opportunities to grow and succeed over the last 31 years. You have given me the chance to learn, develop, make choices, form ideologies, debate, vote and so much more.

I regret to inform you that I must resign from my position as Patriotic Citizen. The recent leadership has given me doubt as to the sustainability and dependability of this country. I have watched and protested as you have taken violent action towards increasing capital interests for the elite and systematically worked against the rights of many American citizens. The sense of loyalty and patriotism you instilled in me during my childhood is lost as I have seen you wrongly and prematurely adopt war in the middle east, ignored jobs and economic failure at home, and supported legislation that dehumanizes me as a gay man. The very principals you taught me, fairness, equality, and justice, are the ideals I have watched you abandon, squash and ignore over the past four years. I had hoped that these wrongs would be righted, but now I see that it is not just the leadership, but the very citizens within your borders that disappoint.

I wish you luck in the future. The resources, intelligence and passion you hold should not be wasted, and my dream is that you will recognize your faults and work to correct them before you do more damage. I will be focusing my time and efforts elsewhere.

Thanks again, and good luck America.

Jeffrey V. Lindquist


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